Natural Biopolymers

Our cosmetic proteins - keratin, collagen, and elastin - are unique. They retain their natural integrity and therefore, they have biological activity in contrast to most analogues presented on the market.


For two decades, our specialists have been successfully applying the technology, which allows isolating keratin molecules without disturbing their structure, and therefore, preserving the natural properties of the protein responsible for the hair strength characteristics.

Due to the affinity with the hair keratin, a dispersion containing molecular BIOACTIVE KERATIN is adsorbed on the hair and prevents excessive moisture evaporation. This has a beneficial effect on dry fragile hair, thin weakened eyelashes, and brittle, breakage-prone nails. When added to cosmetic products, bioactive keratin forms a protective layer on the hair or nail surface by glueing the cuticle scales and returns the shine, strength, and healthy appearance to the hair and nails. The results are visible even after the first application.

For several years, the group of scientists under the guidance of Professor, Dr.Sc. Alla I. Sapozhnikova has been conducting research on the use of BIOACTIVE KERATIN as a protein feed supplement for fur-bearing animals: minks, polecats, silver foxes, and Arctic foxes. It was proven that keratin significantly increased the density of the hair cover of young animals for slaughter and, consequently, the quality of the fur raw materials

Brief technical dossier on BIOACTIVE KERATIN
Technical Regulations 10.11.60-002-64516066-2017

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More information about BIOACTIVE KERATIN.

IndicatorCharacteristic and standard
Appearance Homogeneous liquid
ColourFrom light grey-beige to dark grey-beige
pH value6,5-7,5
Authenticity Positive reaction to keratin
Mass fraction of dry substance, %3,0-10,0
Mass fraction of keratin, % per dry substance95,0 - 98,0
Inclusion into formulationAny formulations except for alcohol-containing formulations, taking into account pH value of a product
ThermostabilityUp to 70 ℃
Colloidal stability To blend in case of light layering
Storage life 1 year


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More information about BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN.

BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN has a preserved molecular structure and is a valuable component for the skin and hair care due to its high hydration ability. Clinical studies have shown that BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN containing various washable and non-washable skincare products significantly increased water-holding capacity of the skin and made skin fresh and glowing.

It acts on the skin surface and smooths the visible skin irregularities by filling the microcracks and wrinkles. In washable hair products, BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN creates a film on a hair cuticle covering it gently and holding the moisture in it.

Our specialists have created and patented methods for obtaining a dispersion of the highly purified collagen containing 97-99% of the main component in the dry residue.

BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN produced by LAONA LAB is stable and does not degrade at room temperature in contrast to the expensive and capricious in production analogue derived from marine fish waste.

It has been proven that BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN is not an antigen; it does not cause allergic reactions, promotes wound healing, and is an effective matrix for immobilizing biologically active and medicinal products as it prolongs their actions and reduces toxicity.

BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN has proven to be highly effective as a substrate in such biotechnological field as pseudo-suspension cell culturing.


Brief technical dossier on BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN
Technical Regulations 10.11.60-001-64516066-2017

IndicatorCharacteristic and standard
AppearanceViscous liquid, slightly opalescent
pH value3,5-4,5
AuthenticityPositive reaction to collagen
Mass fraction of dry substance, %0,7-2,0
Mass fraction of keratin, % per dry substance97,0 - 99,0
Inclusion into formulationAny formulations except for alcohol-containing formulations, taking into account pH value of a product
ThermostabilityUp to 33℃
Colloidal stability Stable
Storage life 1 year


BIOACTIVE ELASTIN provides elasticity and extensibility to skin; this protein is present in the skin in the form of elastic fibers penetrating the dermis. A unique technology developed by the Russian scientists allows converting 78-96% of fibrillary elastin into a molecularly dispersed solution. The dispersion of elastin is purified from the associated biopolymers and other impurities and retains biological activity.

Results of the clinical studies have shown that BIOACTIVE ELASTIN, as a component of various washable and non-washable skin care products, acts as a wet compress, i.e. it prevents skin moisture loss and, thereby, strengthens the protective properties of the epidermal barrier and contributes to the prolongation of youth. In addition, due to the amino acid composition, elastin affects the intensity of sebum production and keeps it within the limits of the physiological norm.

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More information about BIOACTIVE ELASTIN products.

Brief technical dossier on BIOACTIVE ELASTIN
Technical Regulations 10.11.60-003-64516066-2017

IndicatorCharacteristic and standard
AppearanceHomogeneous liquid
ColourFrom light-yellow to yellow
pH value6,5-7,5
AuthenticityPositive reaction to elastin
Mass fraction of dry substance, %4,0-10,0
Mass fraction of keratin, % per dry substance95,0 - 98,0
Inclusion into formulationAny formulations except for alcohol-containing formulations, taking into account pH value of a product
ThermostabilityUp to 90℃
Colloidal stability To blend in case of light layering
Storage life 1 year

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